Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stadtbibliothek Rheinau

Call me a geek, but I LOVE the library and I might be addicted to collecting library cards.
This is my newest addition.

route 1: 16.1 km = 10 mi
route 2: along the Rhine
route 3: through farm country
I'll probably take route 1 today.
There is a library in Kehl, but Nicole showed us this one and helped me get a card here.
Alles klar (everything's ok), I would rather bike 20mi than 3mi anyway.
(if you're wondering if i'm serious about that last statement you must not know me...)

bonus picture of the day:
Christmas preperation in Straßburg!
I am going to have to consciously remember not to forget Thanksgiving...
These poor Europeans are missing out on a great holiday. 

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