Monday, October 31, 2011

i loathe McThrow-Up

I blame the crappiness of Oktober 30 on the fact that I had McDonald's for breakfast.

The hotel didn't have breakfast for us so we had to find something else to eat, which would usually be fine, except everything is closed on Sunday (but not McDonald's 24/7, baby.) So... We rode our bikes down the street to the golden arches. I brought my own mug and filled it with coffee and had a Egg McMuffin (if you were wondering).
Then we left for the game in Freiburg, which we lost 0-3...
I came home feeling frustrated, tired, and really wanting some tea of all things.
Then I remembered I had left my mug in my bicycle's basket, so I went to get it. this garage.
Honestly I was a little scared...
At 21:00 it was VERY dark, don't be fooled by the brightness of my camera's flash.
I came back to my room to find I was locked out.
(red light + angry beeping=BAD NEWS!)
So, I did what any normal person would do... I climbed out Emily's window to my window.
It's not that high up, or very steep for that matter.
I wasn't scared at all.
 Unfortunately my window was partially locked so I couldn't get in and had to climb back to Emily's window (feeling very defeated I might add)...

Emily (accidently?) kept the key from her room on the first floor so I slept there. Luckily I didn't interrupt anyone's sleep... It was an empty room just waiting for me. 
I got a new key in the morning and everything was ok, but I have to admit, I was annoyed sitting on my window sill trying to break into my room...
The woman told me in the morning that the keys lose their "powers" at the end of the month and have to be recharged.

Did I mention how much I hate McDonald's?

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