Thursday, October 20, 2011

bonjour madame!

I crossed over into France and saw this...
 A gaggle of riders with a police escort, a lead car that was filming them, and a tour bus in tow.
So, of course I had to race them...
 A mile later I decided it wasn't a real race because I was able to keep up on my cruiser.
At one point I was riding next to them and they were yelling out, "Bonjour, Madame." Haha, loved it. AND I think I may have made it in the camera shot because at one point I was towards the front of the pack (on the sidewalk).
These pictures make me crack up!
 Such a hard core bicycle...
Loving this European fall!
 Mom, will you send my tent? 
Can't believe I live here.
University of Strasburg parking lot
 Where's Waldo?
 Am I dreaming?
For reals...
A scene out of 101 Dalmatians?
nomade (nomad)- A person with no fixed residence who roams about; a wanderer
Don't be fooled, there were a lot of pedestrians out, I just stopped in a less populated area to snag a pic.

It's taken so long to post this because my computer feels overloaded when I try to post 23 pictures... I can't help it, I love sharing my pictures!


  1. You crack me up. I love that you are exploring and enjoying your time. These are memories that will last forever.

  2. um. Jealous! and I am so happy for you. Also, you should probably check out my new journey that I am on...
