I have felt like a well-taken care of professional athlete since I arrived in Germany.
Rolling in Mercedes and Audi's, having personal chefs cook me what I please, complimentary shopping trips...
But, right now not so much.
After spending part of last night on the roof, everything basically has gone downhill...
No dinner at our club house after training tonight because the restaurant is closed on Montag's.
So tonight I'm feeling like a poor college student.
That sticky stuff in my bowl, yeah, that's supposed to be oatmeal...
It's the only thing I have to eat in my room. I meant to go to the store today, but ran out of time (I know... Crazy, right?). Tomorrow is a German holiday and everything is closed, which comes at an inopportune time, but I am HAPPY nevertheless! (that's a real smile)
Please note my well-used German books. Ich spreche sehr gut Deutsch!
Please don't note my unbrushed hair.