Saturday, January 2, 2010

strengths finder 2.0

when you get a book called, "strengths finder 2.0" for Christmas it's safe to say that someone (or everyone) thinks you need a little bit of a push in the right direction. after my 30 min test i now know my top 5 strengths. DEVELOPER ("you see the potential in others"), EMPATHY ("you can sense the emotions of those around you"), HARMONY ("you look for areas of agreement"), INCLUDER ("stretch the circle wider"), POSITIVITY ("you are generous with praise, quick to smile, and always on the lookout for the positive in the situation"). well, great, i guess there's no denying that i'm very sensitive and like to please people...

these tests are always really hard for me. i'd like to say that i'm really relaxed and like an easy-going life, but i don't know if i am!? one of the questions asked if i'd rather sit and relax or clean. i wanted to cheat, but i had to be honest... i chose clean. oh boy, the truth is out- i SUCK at doing nothing and liking it. i'm an easy-going , structure loving, extroverted introvert who loves to make lists, has OCD tendencies, and likes going with the flow. hmm...

i don't feel much stronger after finding out my top 5- hopefully "strengths finder 3.0" is due out soon- maybe it will have more direction for me.


  1. i -always- wanted developer!! i hated mine. achiever. learner. intelligence? connectivity. aaaand... i don't remember the 5th. something like collector. yep. always hated my strengths.

    but rachel! you have good strengths! i'm jealous!!

    (although.. according to the book, we need to learn to love and use our strengths if we are to maximize ourselves :) i don't know what your plans are, but they sound like great traits for a teacher or coach to me!)

  2. hilarious.....they should have comedian as one of the strengths. a "push" in the right direction was not the intent of the gift. you have great strengths and your grandmother appreciates that you like to clean rather than sit and relax. :-)
