Monday, November 9, 2009

my new obsession

i love my bicycle!
it's a fixed gear.
a fixie is a beautifully designed bike, but it's not for the faint of heart... there are no gears, which makes climbing hills EXTREMELY hard. experienced riders typically don't have brakes because you can stop by resisting the rotation. the hardest thing that i've had to get used to is the fact that you CAN'T coast. pedaling at all times isn't an ideal situation for biking in fact it makes me tired just thinking about it, BUT just like the pain from the seat, i've gotten used to it.

there are some AMAZING trails in the area.
Lydia showing off on her beach cruiser.
i've been riding with a legit roadie.
he built this bike without brakes.
someday i will build my own bike without brakes. ok, yeah, that's a bad idea... it'll have brakes.


  1. no brakes?

    ...i don't understand this concept.

  2. i guess you're just going to have to come to the midatlantic region so i can demonstrate for you.
